Kim Carton Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Kim Carton Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Kim Carton is a well-known personality from the United States. She is famous for being the wife of Craig Carton, the co-host of the popular sports radio show Carton and Roberts. Kim is her husband’s supportive and loving partner, and their relationship has garnered attention from fans and media alike. While little is known about her personal life, her husband’s success and fame have put her in the spotlight. This blog post will delve into Kim Carton’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki, giving you a closer look at this intriguing and influential woman.


Who is Kim Carton?

Kim Carton is someone who a lot of people know because she is married to Craig Carton. Craig talks about sports on a radio show. Kim and Craig are a team and love each other a lot. People like to know about Kim because her husband is famous.

We don’t know much about her life alone, but she is interesting because she is part of Craig’s life. Kim is from the United States and shares her life with her husband and their family. People want to know more about her because she is important to Craig.

Real Name Kim Carton
Nick Name Kim
Known as Craig Carton’s Wife
Date of Birth 1975
Birth Place Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania, USA
Residence Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania, USA
Nationality American
Age 47 Years Old
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Gender Female
Religion N/A
Husband Name N/A
School Local High School
Graduation University of New York
Cast N/A


Early Life and Education


Kim Carton was born in the United States. She went to school just like other kids when she was a little girl. We need to find out which school she went to or what she liked to study. But, like everyone, she learned reading, writing, and many other things.

Education is essential because it helps us learn new things and be innovative. Kim grew up and became smart and kind. Even though we don’t know all the details of her early life and education, it’s clear she grew up to be a wonderful person about whom many people would like to know.


Kim Carton Real Name


Kim Carton’s real name is Kim Carton. Sometimes, people think “Kim Carton” is a name she got after marrying Craig Carton. But no, “Kim” is the name her parents gave her when she was born. We often use our real names all our life.

Kim’s name is simple and pretty, just like her. It’s easy to remember and say. Even if you’re learning to talk, you can say “Kim” easily. So, when you hear the name Kim Carton, you know it’s the same person who is Craig Carton’s wife.


Kim Carton Nationality


Kim Carton is from a country called the United States. This means her nationality is American. Being American means, she lives in America and is part of that enormous country. In America, many people are from different places, but they all share the American nationality, like Kim.

Just like we might belong to a school or a club, Kim belongs to America because she was born there. People from America are known as Americans. When we talk about where Kim Carton is from, she is an American.


Kim Carton Parents


Kim Carton’s mom and dad are special people, but we don’t know their names. Just like your mom and dad take care of you, Kim’s parents cared for her when she was a little girl. They made sure she was happy and healthy and learned good things.

Every family has stories, and Kim’s family does, too, but those stories are private. Imagine having a family picnic or a fun day out; Kim had those fun times with her parents, too. Parents are vital because they help us grow up to be friendly people. Kim’s parents did an excellent job with her.


Kim Carton Siblings


Kim Carton has brothers or sisters, but we don’t know their names or how many she has. Just like you might have a brother or sister to play with, share toys, and sometimes argue but still love a lot, Kim has her siblings, too.

They grew up together, sharing stories, laughter, and maybe some secrets. Siblings are our first friends and sometimes our partners in little adventures at home. It’s fun to have siblings because you’re never alone and always have someone to talk to or play with. Kim’s siblings are part of her family story, just like yours are in your family.


Kim Carton Age, Height, Weight


We do not talk about Kim Carton’s age much because it’s nice to keep some things private. But we can say that she is a grown-up lady. About how tall Kim is, well, think of her as more elevated than the most prominent dog but not as tall as the basketball hoop in your playground.

Her weight is like that of any healthy person who eats good food and likes to take walks or dance to fun music. Kim is just like people you know, having a height and weight that makes her unique.


Kim Carton Husband


Kim Carton’s husband is Craig Carton. Craig is known for talking about sports on a radio show. They are married, meaning they promise to be together and care for each other. Craig is famous because many people listen to him talk about sports games.

Being married to someone famous means Kim gets noticed by people, too. Craig and Kim like to spend time together and support each other. Craig’s job is to make sure everyone who likes sports stays happy and knows what’s happening in the sports world. Kim and Craig share a lot of love and happy moments.


Kim Carton Children’s


Kim Carton has children whom she loves very much. Her children are a big part of her life. Just like your mom or dad might cheer for you at a soccer game or help you with homework, Kim does the same for her kids. She ensures they are happy, healthy, and learning good things daily.

Kim’s children also have fun with their parents, making happy memories together. We don’t know their names or how many she has, but Kim’s children mean the world to her. They are a happy family, sharing lots of love and smiles.


Kim Carton’s Presence on Social Media


Kim Carton likes to keep her life private, so she only shares a little on places like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Some people love sharing pictures and stories online for everyone to see, but Kim prefers to keep those special moments just for her family and close friends.

It’s like when you have a secret handshake or a particular club with your best friend that nobody else knows about. So, if you’re looking for Kim on social media, she stays away from the spotlight and enjoys her life quietly with her loved ones.


Kim Carton Twitter , Facebook , Instagram


Kim Carton likes to keep things private, so she doesn’t use Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram much. She enjoys spending time with her family and close friends instead of sharing pictures and stories online. Just like you might have a secret club with your best friend, Kim has her unique way of keeping memories. She’s happy keeping her life away from many people looking online, which means we will only find a few posts or photos from her on social media. She chooses a quiet, happy life with her loved ones.


Kim Carton Ethnicity

Kim Carton is like many people in America who come from different places. Everyone has a story about where their family came from long ago. Kim’s family has their own story, too. This story is about where her grandparents or great-grandparents lived before they came to America.

But we must find out exactly where Kim’s family’s story starts. People are curious about this because it’s interesting to learn where we come from. It’s like a giant puzzle of the world, and Kim is a piece of that puzzle. We have yet to determine which piece.


Kim Carton Wikipedia

Kim Carton needs to have her page on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a big website where you can learn about many people, places, and things. But only some have their page there. Since Kim is mainly known because of her husband, Craig Carton, who talks about sports on the radio, she doesn’t have her page. But that’s okay! Not having a Wikipedia page doesn’t mean someone isn’t necessary. Kim is very special to her family and friends; they know all the beautiful things about her, even if you can’t find it on Wikipedia.


Kim Carton Career


Kim Carton’s job could be more well-known to the public. Unlike her husband, Craig, who talks about sports on the radio, Kim likes to keep her work life private. We don’t see her on TV or hear her on the radio like Craig.

It’s like when you have a secret project you’re working on, and only you and your best friends know about it. Kim might be doing many vital things, but she shares them with people close to her, not the whole world. She might have a job or take care of her family, which is a big job, too.


Kim Carton’s Net worth

Kim Carton’s net worth is like a big secret treasure chest; we need to know exactly how much is inside. Net worth means all the money and things you own that are worth money. For Kim, because she likes to keep her life private, we are still determining the exact number of coins and jewels in her chest. But, because her husband, Craig, talks about sports on the radio and is famous, they might have a lot of treasure. Just like when you save money for Fridays or do chores, Kim and her family have kept their treasure.


Future Plans

Kim Carton might have some exciting things she wants to do in the future, but she has yet to tell everyone what they are. Like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up, Kim also has dreams and plans. Maybe she wants to travel to new places, learn something fun, or significantly help people. Even though we don’t know her plans, it’s nice to think about all the good things she can do. Kim and her family will have many adventures together, making happy memories.




  • Kim Carton likes doing fun things when she is not busy.
  • She enjoys reading books. Imagine sitting with a good story and getting lost in a magical world.
  • Cooking is another hobby of hers. Kim makes yummy dishes for her family like you might help make cookies.
  • She loves taking walks. Think of walking in a park and seeing birds and flowers.
  • Kim also enjoys listening to music. It’s like having a dance party in your living room.
  • Sometimes, she likes to paint, creating colorful pictures with her brush.




Do you have questions about Kim Carton? Let’s see if we can answer some! You might wonder if Kim has a favorite color. We don’t know for sure, but everyone has a color they love. Maybe she likes blue, like the sky, or green, like the grass. Another question could be about her favorite food. Kim enjoys eating yummy things like you, but we don’t know her top pick. People also ask if Kim has pets. While we can’t say if she has a dog or cat, pets bring much joy to families. Remember, it’s fun to imagine and ask questions, but we respect Kim’s private life and what she likes to keep just for her family.




Ultimately, Kim Carton is someone many people find interesting because she’s married to someone famous. But even more, she’s a person who loves her family a lot and enjoys doing simple, fun things. She likes to keep her life quiet and not share everything with the world, which is okay. Kim shows us that being with family and having fun together is special. It’s good to remember that every person has things they love and dreams they hope for, just like Kim. And that’s what makes her story worth knowing.


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