Daisy Taylor Age, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki, Career, Weight, Ethnicity

Daisy Taylor Age, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki, Career, Weight, Ethnicity

sDaisy Taylor has taken the adult film industry by storm with her stunning looks and incredible talent. Born on May 28, 1998, this 26-year-old American transgender actress and model quickly became a fan favorite. With a height of 178 cm and body measurements of 34-26-36 inches, Daisy’s beauty is undeniable. But there’s more to this rising star than just her looks. This blog post will look closely at Daisy Taylor’s age, net worth, height, bio/wiki, career, weight, and ethnicity.

Who is Daisy Taylor?

Daisy Taylor is a very popular movie star in adult films and also a model for pictures. She was born on May 28, 1998, at 26 years old. Daisy is not like everyone else; she was born one gender and felt in her heart she was another, so she changed to be true to herself.

She started being in movies in 2018, and many people think she is very good at her job. Daisy is also known for being very pretty and tall. People all over like to watch her movies and see her photos. She works hard and has many fans who support her.

Daisy Taylor Biography

Category Details
Full Name Daisy Taylor
Born May 28, 1998
Age 26 years old
Nationality American
Height 178 cm
Weight 66 kg
Body Measurements 34-26-36 inches
Early Life Grew up in the United States, attended school
Real Name Daisy Taylor (chosen name)
Parents Details not disclosed
Siblings Details not disclosed
Occupation Adult film actress, model
Career Start Started in adult films in 2018, known for her talent
Net Worth Private information
Ethnicity Details not disclosed
Social Media Presence Active on various platforms, shares her life and work
Future Plans Continue acting and modeling, inspire others
Hobbies Photography, reading, outdoor adventures, painting, music, pets, movies


Early life and education

Daisy Taylor grew up in a place in America. As a little kid, she liked to play, learn, and dream like any other kid. Taylor went to school like all kids do. At school, she learned reading, writing, and many different things. Daisy always knew she was special and had big dreams for her future.

She worked hard in school because she wanted to do great things one day. Even though we don’t know every detail about her school days, she was brave and smart. She  liked learning a lot, which helped her become the amazing person she is today.

Daisy Taylor’s Real name

Daisy Taylor’s real name is the same as what we call her now. When someone becomes famous, sometimes they choose a special name that everyone will know them by. But Daisy kept her name.

It’s pretty cool because it shows she is proud of who she is. Like in your favorite fairy tales where characters have unique names, Daisy’s name is also special. It’s what her friends, family, and fans call her, so when you hear “Daisy Taylor,” you know exactly who they’re talking about – the amazing actress and model who shares her talents with the world.

Daisy Taylor Nationality

Daisy Taylor comes from the United States, making her American. It means she was born in a place that’s part of America. Being American is cool because America is a big country with many different people and places.

Like how we might come from other towns or cities, Daisy comes from a place in America. It doesn’t change how people see her movies or enjoy her work, but knowing where she calls home is nice. America is known for letting people be who they want, and Daisy Taylor is a great example of living your true self.

Daisy Taylor Age, Weight, and Height

Daisy Taylor is a young and talented star who is 26 years old. Regarding how tall she is, Daisy stands proud at 178 cm, which is quite tall! She weighs about 66 kg, which is just right for her height. Daisy has a body that measures 34-26-36 inches.

These numbers help us understand how big her chest, waist, and hips are. She works hard to stay healthy and strong. Daisy’s beautiful brown eyes and lovely smile make her fans adore her even more. Remember, being healthy and happy is most important, and Daisy shows us just that with her confidence!

Daisy Taylor Age, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki, Career, Weight, Ethnicity


Daisy Taylor’s mom and dad are not talked about a lot. We need to find out their names and what they do. Daisy likes to keep some of her life private so she doesn’t share everything with the world. Like our families at home who love and care for us, Daisy has her own family, too.

Even though we don’t know much about them, it’s nice to think they support Daisy and are proud of her for being herself and doing what she loves. Families are special because they love us just the way we are.

Daisy Taylor Siblings

Daisy Taylor might have brothers or sisters, but we don’t know much about them. Like some of us have siblings we play with, share toys, and sometimes argue with but still love, Daisy might have siblings, too. She keeps this part of her life private, so she doesn’t talk much about it. It’s okay because everyone has things they like to keep to themselves.

Siblings are special because they are like our first friends. D may play games, watch movies, or go on adventures with her siblings, but it’s nice to think she has family members with whom she can share fun times.

Daisy Taylor Husband or Boyfriend

Daisy Taylor keeps her love life very secret. She may have a husband or a boyfriend. Some people have special friends, and they like them a lot; Daisy might have someone she cares about, too. But she chooses not to tell everyone about it.

It’s like you only tell your best friend when you have a secret. Daisy likes to keep this part of her life just for her, which is okay. Everyone has things they want to keep just for themselves, and Daisy does, too, when it comes to who she might be dating.


Daisy Taylor doesn’t have any children. Some people decide to have kids, and some don’t, but Daisy chooses not to have any little ones. Maybe she will in the future, or perhaps she won’t. That’s okay because everyone makes their own choices about having a family.

Daisy works, has fun, and does things she loves. Just like when you decide whether to play with dolls or cars, grown-ups decide about having kids in their own time. Daisy is busy being happy and making her dreams come true, which is important.

Daisy Taylor on Wikipedia

Currently, you won’t find a page for Daisy Taylor on Wikipedia, a big website that tells stories about many different people and things. Wikipedia has pages for movie stars, scientists, and even animals! But sometimes, it only has a page for some right away. Just because Daisy doesn’t have her page yet doesn’t mean she’s unimportant.

It could mean that someone hasn’t made a page for her. Daisy is still very special to her fans and has done lots of cool stuff. One day, she’ll have her own Wikipedia page that you can read to learn all about her adventures and how she became a star.

Daisy Taylor Ethnicity

Daisy Taylor is from America, so she is American. But when we talk about ethnicity, we’re looking at where her family came from a long time ago. It’s like looking at your family tree and seeing people from different places. Daisy’s ethnicity is not something she talks about publicly.

We don’t know the details. Think of it as a special recipe that makes everyone unique. Everyone has a mix of different places and people in their history, making them who they are. Like you and me, Daisy has a musical mix that makes her unique.

Daisy Taylor Age, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki, Career, Weight, Ethnicity

Legacy and impacts

Daisy Taylor has done something very special in movies and on the internet. She shows people it’s okay to be who you are inside, even if it’s different from what others expect. Because she is brave and shares her story, many people feel happier and not alone.

Daisy is like a superhero for some people, helping them feel strong and loved for being themselves. She also teaches us to be kind to everyone, no matter how different we think they are. Daisy’s story is like dropping a pebble in water; the ripples go far and touch many people, making a big difference in the world.

Presence on social media

Daisy Taylor is quite popular on social media. She has accounts on websites where people share photos and talk with their friends online. Daisy posts pictures of herself, the fun places she goes, and sometimes what she thinks or feels.

People worldwide follow her to see these photos and hear what she has to say. They can even leave her nice messages or comments under her posts. It’s like having a big group of friends online who support her. Daisy enjoys sharing parts of her life on social media, and it helps her fans feel like they are on an adventure with her.


Daisy Taylor started working on movies that are just for grown-ups in 2018. Her first movie was one she did all by herself. Since then, Taylor has been in many movies. People like how she acts, and she has made many fans.

Daisy is not just a movie star; she also models, which means she poses for pictures used in magazines and websites. Daisy works hard at her job, and many people think she does great work. She is known for being very good at acting and looking beautiful in pictures. D loves her job and is very happy doing what she does.

Daisy Taylor’s Net Worth

Daisy Taylor’s net worth is how much money she has made from her work in movies and modeling. People like what she does, so she gets paid for it. Think of it as getting an allowance for chores, but Daisy’s “chores” are acting and posing for pictures.

We don’t know the exact number of her net worth because it’s private, like a secret. However, because she is popular and does a lot of work, she saved up a lot of money. It helps her buy things she needs or wants, like toys and clothes, or help her friends and family.

Future Plans

Daisy Taylor has big dreams for the future. She wants to keep making movies and modeling because she loves her job. Daisy also hopes to help others feel brave and happy with who they are. She thinks it’s important to be kind and make the world nicer.

Daisy might even try new things in her work, like being in different kinds of movies or helping to make them. She wants to keep sharing her story with the world and making her fans smile. Daisy’s future looks bright and exciting because she believes in doing what she loves and helping others.


  • Daisy loves to take pictures. She uses her camera to capture fun moments and beautiful places.
  • Taylor enjoys reading books. Daisy finds cool stories and learns new things from the books she reads.
  • Daisy likes going on adventures outside. She might go hiking in the mountains or walking in the park. 
  • She is into painting and drawing. Daisy makes colorful art with her paints and pencils.
  • Daisy listens to music a lot. She dances and sings along to her favorite songs.
  • She loves playing with her pets. Daisy has fun taking care of them and playing games together.
  • Daisy enjoys watching movies. She watches all kinds of movies and learns about acting from them.


1. **How old is Daisy Taylor?**
Daisy Taylor is 23 years old. She celebrates her birthday on May 28 every year!

What does Daisy Taylor do?**
Daisy Taylor is an adult movie actress and a picture model. She’s very good at her job and has lots of fans.

Is Daisy Taylor her real name?**
Yes, Daisy Taylor is her real name. She chose to keep her name when she became famous.

Where is Daisy from?**
Daisy Taylor is from the United States, which means she’s American.

Does Daisy Taylor have any siblings?**
We need to find out if Daisy has brothers or sisters. She likes to keep some things private.

What are Daisy’s hobbies?**
Daisy loves taking pictures, reading books, going on adventures, painting, listening to music, and playing with her pets.


In our journey of learning about Daisy Taylor, we discovered a lot about her. From her start in movies to her love for adventures and art, Daisy shows us it’s cool to be yourself. She helps people feel happy about who they are. Daisy likes to keep some things private, and that’s okay. Everyone has things just for them. She shares fun and beautiful parts of her life with fans worldwide. Daisy dreams of doing even more exciting stuff in the future. Remember, like Daisy, being true to yourself and kind to others makes the world brighter.


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