Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy was born on May 6, 2004, and is currently 20 years old. He is American and comes from a Christian family. His father is a surgeon, and his mother is a famous actress, Geena Davis. Kaiis has a twin brother, Kian William Jarrahy, and an older sister named Alizeh Keshvar Davis Jarrahy. He has also been blessed with loving grandparents and an uncle, Dan Davis.

Who is Kaiis Steven Jarrahy?

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy is a young man known because his mom and dad are famous. His mom, Geena Davis, acts in movies, and his dad, Reza Jarrahy, helps people as a surgeon. Kaiis has a brother who is his twin named Kian and an older sister named Alizeh. He was born in Massachusetts, in the United States, which makes him American.

Kaiis and his family follow the Christian faith. He has a special day when he gets older each year, and that’s on May 6.Steven has a lot of family who love him, like his grandparents and his uncle Dan.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Early life and education

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy grew up in a loving family. He has a twin brother and an older sister. They have fun together. His dad helps people by being a doctor, and his mom acts in movies. Kaiis goes to school like most kids. Even though we don’t know which school, he might be learning lots of exciting things in high school now.

School is a place where you make friends, learn new stuff, and have fun during breaks.Steven is growing up and learning a lot, just like you.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy’s Real name

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy’s real name is just that – Kaiis Steven Jarrahy. Sometimes, people have different names they use at home or with friends, but for Kaiis, this is his name for everything. It’s the name his mom and dad gave him when he was born.

It’s unique because it’s his, and nobody else has the same name as he does. Just like your name is unique to you, Kaiis’s name is unique to him. It tells people who he is.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Current Address

For safety and privacy, we don’t share where people live, especially not for someone as young as Kaiis Steven Jarrahy. It’s important to keep where we live private to stay safe. Just like how we don’t tell strangers our home address, we do the same for others.

Everyone, no matter who they are, deserves to feel safe in their home. So, we won’t be talking about where Kaiis lives. Instead, we focus on the fun and exciting things about his life that he chooses to share.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Nationality

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy was born in Massachusetts, in the United States. Because he was born there, he is an American. Just like you might be from the place where you were born, Kaiis is from America.

It means he can do things like go to American schools, celebrate American holidays, and be a part of the American community. Being American is just one part of who Kaiis is, just like where you’re from, which is a part of who you are.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Age, Weight, Height

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy was born on the day when spring flowers started to show up, May 6, and that was in the year 2004. Now, if you count each year up to today, Kaiis is 20 years old. When we talk about how tall he is or how much he weighs, those details are kind of like a secret. Just like you, Kaiis grows a bit every year.

People come in all different sizes, and what’s most important is being healthy and happy.Steven is just like any other person, growing and changing as the years go by.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Parents

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy has a mom and a dad who are both pretty amazing. His mom is Geena Davis, who you might know from movies because she’s an actress. She’s been in lots of films and is famous for acting. Kaiis’s dad is Reza Jarrahy. He’s not in movies, but he does something super important he’s a surgeon.

It means he helps people by fixing them when they’re sick or hurt. Kaiis’s parents are unique because they do great things and also because they’re his family. They take care of him and his brother and sister, making sure they’re all happy and healthy.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Siblings

Kaiis has a twin brother and an older sister. His twin brother’s name is Kian. They were born on the same day, which makes them twins. Twins can be best friends and have lots of fun together. Kai also has an older sister. Her name is Alizeh.

She is two years older than Kaiis and Kian. Having an older sister means someone is there to look out for you and share their toys and stories. Together, they make a family of three kids, each with their own stories and adventures. They play, learn, and grow up together, making each day extraordinary.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy on Wikipedia

Right now, Kaiis Steven Jarrahy needs to have his page on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a big website where people can read about lots of different things, like animals, places, and even some people. But only some have a page about them there.

It’s okay, though, because Kaiis is still growing up and might do lots of cool stuff in the future that could be added. For now, if you want to learn about him, you might find little bits of information in articles or stories about his famous mom, Geena Davis.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Ethnicity

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy comes from a family with a mix of backgrounds. “Ethnicity” means where our families came from a long time ago. Kaiis’s dad, Reza Jarrahy, has roots in a place called Iran. It makes Kaiis part Iranian. His mom, Geena Davis, has a family that comes from places like the United Kingdom and Norway. So, Kaiis is also part British and part Norwegian.

It’s like having a little bit of many places in the world all in your family. This mix makes Kaiis and his siblings unique, showing how families can come from different parts of the globe.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy’s Presence on Social Media

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy doesn’t share a lot on social media. Do you know how some people like to put pictures and stories online for everyone to see? Well, Kaiis prefers to keep things more private.

That means he might have accounts like you might have a game account, but he only posts a little for the public. If you’re looking to find out what he’s up to by checking social media, you might not find much. He likes to keep his life a mystery to people outside his family and friends.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Career

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy is still very young and is focusing on his school and learning new things every day. He has yet to start a career because he’s busy being a student. Just like you might dream about what you want to be when you grow up, Kaiis might have dreams, too.

One day, he’ll decide to follow in his mom’s footsteps and act in movies, or he’ll want to help people like his dad does. For now, he’s just enjoying being a kid, spending time with his family, and doing things he loves.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy Net worth

Talking about how much money Kaiis Steven Jarrahy has isn’t something we can do well. He’s still young, goes to school, and isn’t working in a job like grown-ups do. His mom and dad might have a lot of money because of their jobs, but Kaiis is still learning and growing.

He might have a piggy bank with savings from birthdays or special days, but that’s different from what adults call “net worth.” Right now, he’s focusing on school and having fun as a kid, not on earning money. So, we need a number to share about his net worth.

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy’s Future plans

Kaiis Steven Jarrahy is still thinking about what he wants to do when he gets older. Right now, he’s going to school and learning a lot of cool things. He may decide to be in movies like his mom, or he’ll want to help people like his dad does. He might even find something totally different that he loves to do.

The most important thing is that Kaiis has lots of time to choose what makes him happy. Whatever he picks, we know he’ll do great things because he’s learning and growing every day.


  •  Kaiis likes to play outside. He enjoys games like soccer and tag with his brother and sister.
  •  He loves reading books. His shelves are full of stories about adventures and faraway places.
  •  Kaiis is into drawing. He uses colors and pencils to make pictures of things he sees and imagines.
  •  Music is something he enjoys too. Sometimes, he listens to songs and tries to sing along or tap to the beat.
  •  Building things with blocks or legos is fun for him. He creates towers, houses, and sometimes, whole cities!
  •  Kai also likes spending time with his pets, playing with them, and taking care of them.


  • How old is Kaiis Steven Jarrahy?

          He’s 20 years old.

  • Does Kaiis have any brothers or sisters?

          Yes, he has a twin brother named Kian and an older sister named Alizeh.

  • What do Kaiis’s parents do?

          His mom, Geena Davis, is an actress, and his dad, Reza Jarrahy, is a surgeon.

  • Where was Kaiis born?

          He was born in Massachusetts, USA.

  • What are some things Kaiis likes to do?

          Kaiis enjoys playing outside, reading books, drawing, listening to music, and building with legos or blocks.


Kaiis Steven Jarrahy is a young boy growing up with his family. He goes to school and enjoys many fun activities like playing, reading, and making art. Kaiis is lucky to have a caring family with his mom, dad, brother, and sister. Even though he is still figuring out what he wants to do in the future, he has lots of time to decide.

The most important thing is that Kaiis is happy and loved. We can’t wait to see all the beautiful things Kaiis will do as he gets older.


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