Peter Halsey Cook Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Peter Halsey Cook Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Peter Halsey Cook is a successful American businessman known for his diverse career as a planner, realtor, financial specialist, and entrepreneur. Born in 1960, he stands at a height of 5 feet 10 inches and has made a name for himself in the business world. He is also famously known as the ex-husband of supermodel and actress Christie Brinkley. Despite facing some publicized breakups and divorces, Cook has managed to maintain a net worth of $2 million and a salary of $450.

Who is Peter Halsey Cook?

Peter Halsey Cook is a man who does many jobs in a big city called New York. He helps people plan things, sells houses, and knows a lot about money. People also know him because he was once married to Christie Brinkley, a famous lady who is very pretty and appears in pictures and movies.

Peter has been married and has had some tough times with love, but he has kept working hard. He has a lot of money because of his hard work. Cook likes to do many things in business and has become very good at them.

Peter Halsey Cook’s Early life and education

Peter Halsey Cook was once a little boy, just like anyone else. He grew up in a place called America. When he was younger, he went to school just like you. In school, Peter learned many things. He liked to study and work hard. It helped him a lot when Cook became an adult.

Peter’s love for learning didn’t stop when he finished school. He kept learning new things to help him in his job. Peter believes that learning is very important for doing well in life. He always remembered what he learned as a kid and used it in his work.

Peter Halsey Cook’s Real name

Peter Halsey Cook’s real name is, just like it sounds, Peter Halsey Cook. Sometimes, people use different names when they become famous or when they do certain jobs. But for Peter, he kept his name the same.

It is the name his mom and dad gave him when he was born. It’s a strong and nice name that he has used all his life, in school, in his work, and even now that many people know him. Just like how you might have a name that means something special, Peter’s name is special to him, too.

Peter Halsey Cook Current Address

Talking about where Peter Halsey Cook lives is tricky. It’s important to remember that where someone lives is private, and we need to respect their privacy. People like Peter, who are well-known, often choose to keep their home addresses secret to stay safe and have peace.

While we know he works and spends a lot of time in New York, the exact place where he calls home isn’t shared with everyone. It’s like how you might not tell a person you don’t know very well where you live right away.

Peter Halsey Cook Nationality

Peter Halsey Cook is from a country called the United States of America, which means he is American. Being American means he was born in a place with many different states and cities, including New York, where he does his work.

America is known for its big buildings, beautiful parks, and lots of different kinds of people living together. Just like you and your friends might come from different places but go to the same school, Peter is one of many people who call America their home.

Peter Halsey Cook Age, Weight, Height

Peter Halsey Cook was born a long time ago, in the year 1960. That makes him pretty old now, but he’s still doing lots of cool stuff. Cook is not too tall and not too short, standing at 5 feet 10 inches, which is like looking up to your dad or a tall uncle.

We don’t know how much he weighs, but that’s okay because everyone’s weight changes sometimes. What’s important is that Peter is healthy and happy doing what he loves in New York.

Peter Halsey Cook’s Parents

Peter Halsey Cook has a mom and a dad, just like you do. They were very important in his life because they helped him become the person he is today. His parents taught him how to be kind, work hard, and always try his best in everything he does.

We don’t know their names, but we can imagine they were very proud of Peter. They saw him grow up, learn many things, and start doing big jobs in New York. Having parents who care and support you is a really special thing, and Peter was lucky to have that.

Peter Halsey Cook’s Siblings

Just like many of us have brothers or sisters, Peter Halsey Cook also has siblings. Siblings are the people who grow up with us in the same family. They can be our best friends from the time we are very little. We don’t know how many brothers or sisters Peter has or their names, but having siblings is pretty special.

They share a lot of memories, like birthdays, holidays, and family trips. Imagine having someone who knows you really well, plays with you, and sometimes gets into little arguments, but at the end of the day, you both care for each other a lot. That’s what it’s like to have siblings.

Peter Halsey Cook’s Wife/Girlfriend

Peter Halsey Cook was married to a lady named Christie Brinkley. She is very pretty and takes pictures of her job. They were married but were not together anymore. After Christie, Peter was also married to Suzanne Shaw, but they are not together now either. He has had girlfriends, too, like Samantha Cole and Diana Bianchi.

Finding someone to share your life with can be hard, and sometimes it doesn’t work out. Peter has loved and learned from these experiences. Just like in stories, not every love story has a happy ending, but each one teaches us something important.

Peter Halsey Cook Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Peter Halsey Cook’s Children

Peter Halsey Cook has children who mean a lot to him. Just like how you might look up to your parents, his kids look up to him. Being a parent means you help your kids learn, play, and grow up to be good people.

We don’t have all the names of his children or how many there are, but we know being their dad is an important job for Peter. Kids can make life more fun with their laughter and smiles. Peter enjoys spending time with his children and making happy memories together.

Peter Halsey Cook on Wikipedia

Right now, if you look for Peter Halsey Cook on Wikipedia, you won’t find a page just for him. Wikipedia is a big online book that anyone can read. It has pages about many people, places, and things. Sometimes, only some have their page.

But, because Peter is known for his work and was married to Christie Brinkley, you might see his name mentioned on her page or in stories about her. Even though Peter does a lot of interesting things, sometimes Wikipedia only has a few pages for some.

Peter Halsey Cook Ethnicity

Peter Halsey Cook’s ethnicity is part of what makes him unique, just like your favorite mix of ice cream flavors. Ethnicity talks about where a person’s family comes from and the special traditions they might have.

For Peter, his roots are like a map that shows where his family’s story began. We need the details of his map, but it’s made up of places and cultures that came together to make him who he is. Everyone’s map looks a little different, and that’s what makes each person special.

Peter Halsey Cook’s Presence on Social Media

Peter Halsey Cook likes to share bits of his life online, just like how you might show your friends cool drawings or fun days out. He uses places on the internet called social media to do this. But he’s not super loud about it. Imagine whispering instead of shouting; that’s kind of how Peter does social media. He shares, but not too much.

It means we get to see some of what he does, like interesting work or happy moments, but he also keeps many things just for himself and his family. It’s like having a special secret box where you keep your favorite things.

Peter Halsey Cook’s Career

Peter Halsey Cook has done lots of different jobs in a big city. As a realtor, he helps people find homes and also makes plans for buildings. Being an entrepreneur means he starts new businesses.

Imagine if you had a lemonade stand; that’s like what Peter does but with bigger projects. He works very hard every day, making sure all his work is done well. Peter loves his job because he gets to help people and create new things. Every day is an adventure for him in the world of business.

Peter Halsey Cook Net worth

Peter Halsey Cook has a big number called net worth. This number tells us how much money and things he owns. Imagine if you saved all your allowance and bought toys; those toys and your savings are your net worth. Peter’s net worth is $2 million.

Think of it like this: if you had 2 million one-dollar bills, you could stack them up, and they would reach very high! He got all this money from his jobs, like selling houses and planning things. It’s a lot like having a giant piggy bank filled with money because he worked hard and was smart in his job.

Future plans

Peter Halsey Cook has big dreams for the future. He wants to keep helping people find the perfect home and make more cool places as a planner. Peter also plans to start new businesses that can help others. Imagine being a superhero, but instead of saving the day with superpowers, you use smart ideas to make the world better.

That’s what Peter wants to do. He’s always thinking of new ways to grow and make things better for everyone around him. Just like planting a seed and watching it grow, Peter’s plans are all about growing big and strong.


  •  Peter Halsey Cook likes to do fun things when he’s not working.
  •  He enjoys drawing pictures. Maybe he draws houses since he knows a lot about them!
  •  Peter loves to go outside and walk. Walking helps him think and come up with new ideas.
  •  He also likes to read books. Books can take you to new places without leaving your chair.
  •  Cooking is another hobby of his. Imagine making a yummy dinner for your family. That’s something Peter enjoys.
  •  Lastly, Peter likes to spend time with his family, playing games or just laughing together. Family times are special to him.


  • Who is Peter Halsey Cook? 

          He’s a man who does lots of jobs like selling houses and planning things in New York.

  • Was Peter married? 

          Yes, he was married to a lady named Christie Brinkley, but they are not married now.

  • Does Peter have kids? 

          Yes, he has children who look up to him and make his life fun.

  • How tall is Peter? 

          He’s as tall as a tall uncle, about 5 feet 10 inches.

  • What does Peter like to do for fun? 

          He enjoys drawing, walking, reading, cooking, and playing with his family.


Peter Halsey Cook has done a lot of interesting things. He works hard in New York and has been part of many stories, including being married to a famous lady. Even though not everything always goes perfectly, Peter keeps smiling and moving forward. He loves his job, making places for people to live and starting new projects.

With $2 million, he’s also saved a lot of money from his hard work. Most importantly, Peter enjoys spending time with his family and doing hobbies that make him happy. Just like in a big book of adventures, Peter’s story is filled with lots of chapters, and he’s excited to see what comes next.


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