Catriona McGinn Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Catriona McGinn Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Catriona McGinn is a celebrity spouse married to American actor Mark-Paul Gosselaar. She was born in Canada on June 22, 1978, and is currently 43 years old. With a height of 5 feet 11 inches, McGinn has Irish ancestry and holds Canadian nationality. She studied at McGill University and Simon Fraser University, where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Communication & Psychology. McGinn is an interior designer and advertising executive best known for her marriage to Gosselaar.

Who is Catriona McGinn?

Catriona McGinn is known because she is married to a famous actor, Mark-Paul Gosselaar. She comes from Canada and is very tall, almost as tall as a door! Catriona went to two schools to do extensive studies. At those schools, she learned about how we talk and think, as well as about children and media, such as TV and the internet.

Besides being known for who she married, Catriona is very good at designing inside houses, and she also works in advertising, which means she helps make ads that tell people about different things they can buy or do.

 Early life and education

When Catriona McGinn was a little girl, she lived in Canada. It’s a prominent place with lots of snow and friendly people. Catriona liked to learn a lot when she was young. So, she attended a big school called McGill University when she grew up. There, McGinn learned about how people talk to each other and how our minds work, especially kids’ minds.

After that, she went to another school called Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. That’s also in Canada. At this school, she learned even more about how we think and about media, including TV shows and the internet.

Catriona McGinn Real name

Catriona McGinn has a unique name that her parents gave her when she was born. This name is the one everyone calls her. Sometimes, people might have different names they use in movies or books, but Catriona’s real name is just Catriona McGinn.

It’s a pretty name that fits her perfectly. Just like you have the name that your family and friends use, Catriona’s name is used by her family, friends, and many people who know who she is because of her work and who she is married to.

Catriona McGinn Current Address

We can’t share precisely where Catriona McGinn lives because keeping where we live private is very important. It helps keep us safe and sound. Just like how you might not tell someone you don’t know where your house is, we do the same for Catriona.

But we can say that she has a home where she feels happy and cozy with her family. Remember, keeping some things just for us and the people we trust is always good.

Catriona McGinn Nationality

Catriona McGinn comes from a place called Canada, which means she is Canadian. When you’re from Canada, you get to say, “I’m Canadian!” Just like if you’re born in the United States, you say, “I’m American!” So, Catriona’s nationality is Canadian.

It is a fun fact about her, just like you might tell someone you’re from a particular place, too. Knowing where different people come from is excellent because it makes the world exciting with many stories.

Catriona McGinn Age, Weight, Height

Catriona McGinn was born on a sunny June day, making her a summer baby! She has seen 43 birthdays come and go, which means she is 43 years old. Imagine all the birthday cakes she has had! Catriona is also very tall, standing at 5 feet 11 inches.

That’s almost as tall as most doors! We don’t talk about how much someone weighs because it’s not polite, but we can say Catriona is right the way she is. Just like everyone, she’s perfect in her unique way.

Catriona McGinn Parents

Catriona McGinn’s mom and dad are special people who gave her a lovely name and helped her become who she is today. We don’t know their names or what they do, but they must be proud of Catriona. They saw her grow up, learn lots of things at school, and become good at designing beautiful spaces inside homes.

Her parents are from Canada, where Catriona was born and grew up. They also gave her an immense feeling of belonging to the family, with lots of love and support for everything she did.

Catriona McGinn Siblings

Catriona McGinn has brothers or sisters, just like many of us do. These people grew up with her, sharing toys and maybe sometimes arguing, but always having each other’s back. We don’t know their names or how many she has, but having siblings is like having friends you live with.

They might play games together, help each other with homework, or laugh at funny things. Siblings are unique because they share many memories from when they were little, just like Catriona does with hers.

Catriona McGinn Husband/Boyfriend

Catriona McGinn is married to Mark-Paul Gosselaar. He’s someone many people know because he acted as Zack Morris on a TV show called “Saved by the Bell.” It’s like if your friend was good at playing make-believe games, and everyone knew them for it.

Mark-Paul and Catriona have a unique promise to each other, just like in fairy tales when a prince and princess get married. They work together to make their family happy and filled with love. They share a lot of fun times, just like you might do with your best friend or family.

Catriona McGinn Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Catriona McGinn Children

Catriona McGinn and Mark-Paul Gosselaar have children who fill their homes with laughter and fun. Just like when you play with your friends or siblings, their kids bring joy and excitement to every day. They share stories, play games, and learn new things together.

Imagine having a big, fun puzzle or building a castle with blocks; that’s how their family time feels. Together, they make a team, exploring the world and making happy memories. Every day is an adventure, filled with love and smiles, in their cozy home.

Catriona McGinn on Wikipedia

Right now, if you look up Catriona McGinn on Wikipedia, you may not find a page about her. Wikipedia is a prominent online place to learn about many people, places, and things. Sometimes, only some have their page.

But you can find information about Catriona because she is married to Mark-Paul Gosselaar, and he has a page. It talks about his life and acting, and Catriona is mentioned there too. If you want to learn about her, that’s an excellent place to start!

Catriona McGinn Ethnicity

Catriona McGinn has roots that reach back to a beautiful place called Ireland. Just like you might have family from different parts of the world, Catriona’s family comes from Ireland, far across the ocean. Ireland is known for its lovely green lands and exciting stories. It makes Catriona unique because she carries with her the history and traditions of Ireland.

It’s like holding a piece of another country with you wherever you go. So, even though she is from Canada and now lives in America, she has Irish ancestry that adds to who she is.

Catriona McGinn Presence on social media

Catriona McGinn likes to keep things quiet on the internet. She only shares a little on places like Instagram or Twitter, where many people talk and post pictures. Instead, Catriona enjoys her life away from many eyes, spending time with her family and friends. She knows that not everything needs to be shared with the whole world.

Just like in your favorite games where you find secret spots, Catriona has her secret spots away from social media where she can just be herself and have fun with the people she loves.

Catriona McGinn Career

Catriona McGinn is not just famous because she’s married to Mark-Paul Gosselaar. She’s also really good at designing the inside of houses to make them look beautiful. It is what we call being an interior designer. Imagine you have a dollhouse and decide where everything goes, like the beds and tables, to make it look pretty.

That’s what Catriona does but for real houses. Besides that, she works in advertising. It means she helps create ads, which are those messages you see on TV or online telling you about cool things you might like. Catriona is very talented and works hard in her job.

Catriona McGinn Networth

Talking about how much money someone has can be tricky because it changes a lot. But Catriona McGinn has done well in her job of making homes look lovely and helping create cool ads. People think she has saved up a lot of money from her work.

She uses this money to care for her family, have fun with them, and ensure they have what they need. It’s like when you save your allowance to buy something special; Catriona has saved to ensure her family can have special times together.

  Future plans

Catriona McGinn has some exciting plans for her future. Just like when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up, Catriona dreams about new projects she can work on. She might design even more beautiful houses or create new, fun advertisements.

Catriona also looks forward to making happy memories with her family, going on adventures, and maybe even learning new things. Just like in school, when you plan to work on a cool project, Catriona thinks about how she can use her talents in fun and helpful ways in the coming days.


  •  Catriona McGinn loves spending time outside. She enjoys walks in the park, where she can see flowers and birds.
  •  She likes making things look pretty, not just inside houses but also in gardens. Planting flowers is fun for her.
  •  Catriona is good at painting. She uses lots of colors to make beautiful pictures that can decorate walls.
  •  Reading books is another hobby. She loves stories that take her on adventures without leaving her home.
  •  Cooking is something she enjoys too. Trying new recipes and making tasty food for her family makes her happy.


  • Who is Catriona McGinn married to?

          She is married to Mark-Paul Gosselaar, a famous actor.

  • Does Catriona McGinn have kids?

          Yes, she has children who bring lots of fun and laughter to her home.

  • What does Catriona McGinn do for work?

          She makes homes look beautiful as an interior designer and creates ads.

  • Where is Catriona McGinn from?

          McGinn comes from Canada, which makes her Canadian.

  • What does Catriona like to do for fun?

           She enjoys walks, gardening, painting, reading, and cooking.


Catriona McGinn is a talented lady who does great things at her job and home. She designs beautiful spaces and makes ads that catch our eye. Married to a famous actor, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, she also enjoys a lovely family life with fun kids. Catriona shows us that being good at what you do and caring for your family are both very important.

She has a big heart and loves making her home happy. With cool hobbies like gardening and painting, Catriona McGinn is genuinely inspiring. She teaches us to chase our dreams and make every day memorable with the ones we love.


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